Roman origin. Aquae Aponi – healing spring; geiton – a neighbour
An unigeneric family, Bentham & Hooker considered this genus under Najadaceae while others designated as Juncaginaceae. Plants of mostly aquatic or marshy habitats. Roots rhizomatic or tuberous, crowned by numerous root fibres. Leaves membranous. Flowers in spike like inflorescence, unisexual or bisexual when young enclosed in a sheath. Perianth absent, when present, petaloid or spathe like. Stamens mostly six. Ovary unilocular, . Endosperm absent. It is distinguished from Potamogetonaceae, an allied family by the coloured perianth and straight embryo.
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A. bruggenii S.R.Yadav & R.S.Govekar
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