
Since its inception, the NGCPR Research Team has made many impressive research contributions.


  • Nothapodytes nimmoniana (Grah.) Mabb. - A Case study of medicinal plant trade in India.
  • Grading & Trading patterns of Terminalia chebula Retz (Haritaki) nuts in the Maharashtra state.
  • Study, Propagation and utilization of local Medicinal plants with antidiarrhoeal activity in the Parinche Valley (in Maharashtra) - the provision of a model.
  • Preparation of a detailed checklist of plants used in antimycobacterial or antitubercular activity.


  • Herbarium Digitisation
  • Haritarium - Preparation of a digitalized mega plant taxonnomic data base
  • Discovery of seven new taxa: Brachystelma naorojii Tetali et al. (1998), Arisaema murrayi var. soonubeniae Tetali et al. (2004), Commelina badamica Nandikar & Gurav (2015), Murdannia ugemugei RB Kamble et al. (2015), Commelina rupestris Nandikar & Gurav (2018), Commelina littoralis (2019) and Oldenlandia smitacrishnae Nandikar & KC Kishor (2019)
  • Documentation of vulnerable hydrogeomorphic habitats to endemic plant diversity on the Kaas Plateau, Western Ghats.
  • Molecular systematics Phylogeny & Ecology of Ceropegia L. in India
  • Systematics and biogeography of the genus Ledebouria Roth (Asparagaceae: Scilloideae) in India
  • Taxonomic revision and ex-situ preservation of the genus Salacia L. in India
  • Datura species source material for tropane-alkaloids: a case study on trade and quality evaluation for India
  • Reviewing our current knowledge on Taxonomy of Endemic Plants in Northern Western Ghats, India
  • Phytochemical Analysis (secondary metabolites) and Anticancer Potential of Lobelia nicotinifolia
  • Taxonomic Studies on the species described by Nicol Alexander Dalzell


Brachystelma naorojii
P.Tetali, D.K.Kulk., S.Tetali & Kumbh

Publishing Year : 1998

Common Name : Hanunman Batata

Origin of Name

The new species has been named after late Mr. Naoroji Godrej, a noted industrialist to commemorate his keen interest in plant conservation.

Arisaema murrayi var. sonubeniae
P.Tetali, Punekar & Lakshmin

Publishing Year : 2004

Common Name : Sunuben Sarp Kanda

Origin of Name

The new species has been named after late Mr. Naoroji Godrej, a noted industrialist to commemorate his keen interest in plant conservation.

Wild edible plant species

Wild plants are an alternative to cultivated vegetables. Although cultivated crop varieties provide enough food, excessive use of pesticides etc. causes problems for human health. In addition to climate change, malnutrition is considered a global threat, indicating an urgent need for a healthier and more sustainable food system. Wild tubers are an important alternative source of food having medicinal properties. Among them, Dioscorea (yam) is the fourth most staple edible root and tuber vegetable after potato, cassava, and sweet potato. Yams are both medicinally and nutritionally important in providing food for local and tribal communities.

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